kantkari is the drug of choice on cough. It helps in vataj type of cough. It helps as an expectorant and demulcent.
Mulethi is mixed with honey brings relief in dry cough. In sore throat also mulethi can provide relief.
Karkatshringi is an expectorant and kaphaghna. It benefits in hiccoughs, cough and dyspnoea Because of its bitter and pungent taste alleviates endometritis and also reduces uterine exudates; thus helps in healing. It also alleviates gonorrhea induced inflammation and discharges.
Hansraj can provide relief in chronic cold.
Honey is nature’s energy booster, honey is a great immunity system builder, Honey is a natural remedy for many ailments.
Somlata herbs has valuable antispasmodic properties its asthma, influenza and pnemonia.
Allergic cough
chronic cold
bronchial asthma