Ashok chal is specially indicated in conditions of excessive bleeding which includes excessive bleeding during menstrual cycles and bleeding hemorrhoids. It is used for menorrhagia so It is called a friend of women.
Naag kesar is very useful in bleeding disorders specially excessive bleeding during menstual cycle.
Loh bhasam is an ayurvedic medicine prepared fromiron. It is used in ayurvedic treatment of anemia, eye disorders, skin diseases etc.
Majuphal is specially recommended in female reproductive disorders like extra growth and prolapsed of the uterus. It also known as gall oak. Magic nut is very useful in bleeding disorders which range from excessive bleedig during menstrual cycle in a female.
Shatavari is a rejuvating ayurveda herb specially for the female reproductive organs. It nourishes the ovum and increases fertility.
A very good remedy in joint related problms and back pain. It has a very good pain relieving effect in any kind of injury and muscular pain due to similar property mentioned above shilajeet is said to work as anti-inflammatory substance.
Shudh Babool Gond benefits a lot in excessive bleeding during menstrual cycle and white discharge from female reproductive organs.